Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Refer a friend: Job Tonic and H3

You're looking for a job and you see some stuff for you but you also see stuff that might be good for your best friend, your squeeze's sister, that annoying person in your book club who never finishes the book before the meeting and you kindly decide to cut and paste, or forward the job to a friend, just out of the goodness of your heart. But there are services out there where you can get paid for your...goodness. (I was about to say "virtue" but, last I checked, you can only get paid for that on Ebay.)

There are new sites that are trying to tap into your ability to connect jobs with friends and give you some cash back, encouraging you to be a more active node in the network. H3 is a popular service with recruiters and Job Tonic is spreading the work-love in the UK. In these services, hard to find positions can be filled through the principle of "weak ties": you know someone slightly and you know they need work; you pass on your intel and they may pass something back to you. Usually called networking. To reward your goodness for tightening the tie, the site will give you some cash back if your connection applies and gets the job.

This might also be one way to see just how effective a network can be, so think about passing on a job posting to a deserving other.

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