Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Bonus Battle (or you really can explain anything with pictures)

Dan Roam, the author of the Back of the Napkin, explains to bankers why the public is so mad at them. (um, duh). Anyway, when I watched it the first time and he mentioned "murders and acquisitions" I also enjoyed a Freudian mishear.

A Library Writer's Blog

If you're looking for some opportunities to do some professional writing the field, subscribe to Corey Seeman's Library Writer's Blog. There are a wide range of opportunities from conference papers, calls for chapters, contests, very diverse.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to set up a networking group

Virginia Henry of LIKE has provided a basic article about how she and other knowledge professionals in London created their own networking group. She also provides some advice on how to create your own informal group.

They use LinkedIn, but you could also use MeetUp, though MeetUp is far less formal (better for book clubs) and doesn't include the professional credentials and resumes of group members.