Thursday, May 26, 2011

Job Posting Tracking Form

I mess around with Google Forms a lot (A LOT) and so I decided to update the Job Diary for a Library Job Posting Tracking Form.

I think it is really important to keep track of your own personal job search so you know
  • Where the good or relevant jobs are so you don't waste time
  • So you can use methods that are effective
  • So you can give presents to the people who helped you
  • It helps with hyperbole. I do believe that you are working hard to find a job. Do I believe that you have sent out a thousand resumes? No, I do not. And you shouldn't overstate your efforts either, especially if you are not applying as much as you think you are.
This form is public, so if you want to use the form, as is, I recommend copying and saving it in your own private Google docs account. This means that all of your spreadsheet data is kept private. And it also means that you can make changes to the logic of the form.

In this form, I have made two different "logic" choices:
  1. To keep track of the friends or professors that are good sources of job postings. You can turn off the logic for this question or you can add more options for your tracking.
  2. I am trying to keep track of which vertical search engines are relevant. However, you may never use vertical search engines, or you only use one or two. You can make those into separate options in this question and keep track of which Twitter feeds or which state library boards have the best jobs. It really depends on your job search.

You can also turn off some of the required questions if you don't feel they are necessary to your record keeping.

This form only keeps track of your research habits, not the success of your applications. I would suggest making a different form for that process.

I love forms because I hate making spreadsheets. I like how Google forms fills in all of the spreadsheet data for me, so I don't introduce spelling errors or what-not, and then I can look at the results later, or share the information with others.

Tracking your own job posting spotting will help you save time when you are really concentrated on your job search or when a position or contract is about to end and you need to go full speed ahead.

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