Friday, March 7, 2008

Creating your own summer job

It is possible to create your own summer job or internship, if the postings coming up at your school don't match with what you want to do for the summer. Here are some of the steps you will need to take:
  1. Write an employment proposal. What are you going to do for this organization? What do they need from you? This means you need to look at the librarian tasks that you are qualified to perform and explain how they would help your target organization. Your resume should also be part of this package.
  2. Find an organization or sector to send your proposal to. You can use a directory like the Canadian Company Capabilities Directory or CHIN to find an organization to work for. I would also suggest trying to meet with them in person, so see if you can find contact information for their human resource person or find out if they are going to be in attendance at any upcoming career fairs. If they aren't hiring librarians, ask them if they have accepted employment proposals in the past and if they may be amenable to receiving yours.
  3. Figure out how you will get paid. There are subsidies for employers, like STEP in Alberta or some of the Sector Councils have money available, whether in grants for a project or wages, that the employer could apply for so they can pay you while you work for them. I recommend the paid route: volunteering is great, but once you are on the books and in the budget, people tend to remember what you were there for.
This summer job solution won't work for everyone, but for the entrepreneurial amongst us, you just need to have an idea, a written plan and the courage to ask.

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